Female Pelvic Ultrasound Scan

What conditions can be detected with a Pelvic ultrasound scan?

Both sexes

A Pelvic ultrasound scan can detect tumours and other conditions relating to the urinary bladder.


A Pelvic ultrasound scan in females is the most commonly used method to examine the uterus and ovaries.

It is used in the investigation of lower abdominal and pelvic pain, menstrual disturbances including heavy periods, painful periods and bleeding between periods.

Amongst other conditions, it can detect cysts and fibroids as well as uterine and ovarian cancers.

Ultrasound maybe one of many investigations you require and you should consult your doctor to ensure that any other necessary investigations are arranged.

How much does it cost?

The cost of this scan is £95.

You can combine any other package with this package for an additional charge of £40 per package.

Please note that this may not be possible for certain packages eg musculo-skeletal as this is a very specialised area and only Sonographers with a specialist interest in this area will be able to perform this examination.

What will I experience during the examination?

Trans-abdominal Pelvic Ultrasound:

The Sonographer will move a probe lubricated with warm gel over your lower abdomen to obtain necessary images.

You will be asked to attend with a full bladder, we therefore advise you to drink 2 pints of water prior to your appointment. This is required to allow the Sonographer to view the organs behind the bladder.

When do I get the results?

We will send a signed report of our findings to your doctor. You should then arrange an appointment with your GP who will explain our findings to you.

We feel that your doctor is best placed to explain the findings to you because he will have details of blood tests and other investigations that might have been carried out.